A great trial online now with the explosion of social media is undoubtedly envy.
Anyone can succumb to it. This person is richer, she is prettier, he is more successful etc.
One of the best ways to remove these feelings is through du’a, though one should try two types:
1) Make du’a to Allah to REMOVE the envy from ones heart.
2) Make du’a FOR the person you are feeling jealous towards.
The first is well-known. But the second is also extremely powerful. This is because:
a) It forces you to confront the Nafs (soul) and acknowledge that the one you envy is in fact your brother/sister. Just as you want goodness for your immediate family, you also want goodness in all forms for this person.
b) You release the burden of this feeling and acknowledge that Allah is the true distributor of all affairs. As the Prophet (Saws) said; ‘Be content with that which Allah has distributed for you, you will be the richest of people…’ (al-Tirmidhi).
c) The angels around you will ask Allah you receive that which you supplicate for your brother, as per a hadith in Sahih Muslim.
May Allah cure our hearts of envy and jealousy to others.