I’ve been reading and writing on Linked in recently. Primarily for things related to my software company.
One thing on that network though is the amount of these CEO, coaches, business-types etc who really push themselves to big outputs.
It’s true, we don’t know if they really do what they say, but to be honest I don’t doubt a good number of them. They are just driven.
A lot of these successful CEO types do:
1) Get up at 5am.
2) Plan their days/weeks/months in advance.
3) Read, read and read.
4) Have experienced mentors.
5) Aim for high quality in the work they do.
I’m *not* saying we have to do the same. But in fact, we as Muslims have a richer sanad in our tradition which encourages this.
But it should open our eyes as many are primarily focused on the dunya and they still do all of this.
We, however, have the hereafter as our goal.
Yes, we don’t use these individuals as a benchmark at all. But if a CEO is getting up at 5am daily to prep for the day, exercising their mind and body to prepare for their business and we are struggling to get up for fajr, then there is a disparity.
If we are trying to navigate life without having one or two good mentors/teachers to help us, it might be fine. But, this dunyawi guy is going to advance at a greater velocity in his field.
Our scholars all push effective time management. It’s well-known Imam al-Ghazali’s quote: ‘Your time should not be without structure, to the extent you occupy yourself with whatever comes along’. Shaykh Abdul Fattah Abu Ghudda’s book قيمة الزمن عند العلماء ‘The Value of time’ has countless accounts of the scrupulousness of our pious predecessors.
I understand the CEO’s goals are different and it’s like comparing apples and pears.
But honestly, it should make us think that we can push to a *higher* level holistically with a little encouragement and honest introspection.