Free From the Shackles of Oppression
Alhamdulillah for the liberation of Syria from the tyrant Bashar al-Assad. I remember when the revolution started in 2011 and the horrifying pictures coming out
Two Powerful Du’as for Hardship
Many years ago, I asked an old Shaykh from Saudi who was visiting BMHC last month about advice for people going through hardships. He gave
Piety Isn’t One-Size-Fits-All
It’s mentioned that al-Hasan al-Basri (ra) was a man who was often sad, whilst Muhammad Ibn Sireen (ra) would laugh and joke (Tabaqaat ibn Sa’ad
Building Deeds Before It’s Too Late
Many years back, I went to see an old colleague of mine who had been diagnosed with cancer. The doctors said he literally had weeks
Gratitude for Allah’s Unexpected Gifts
Yesterday, I was in the airport with my son Zakariya travelling back to Cairo, when I saw a new video game kiosk. Zak was looking
Six points regarding the UK riots
Six points regarding the UK riots 1) Understand the intent of the Far-Right The intent of these people is two. One is to get a
Revering Scholars Over Celebrities
Whilst we celebrate the likes of Belal Muhammad, Khabib and other sports personalities (and rightly so), it’s perhaps important to mention that those deserving of
Building Fortitude in a Comfortable World
I read a passage in Ibn Khaldun’s ‘Muqaddimah’ that resonated with me about our children. He references how Bedouins are more disposed to courage than
Three resources to help you understand Qur’anic words
I highly recommend the following three things for any beginner student to help understand the words of the Qur’an: 1) An Arabic/English Mushaf This is
What Awaits a Believer in the Hereafter
The journey of the hereafter is fascinating. There is one stage however, that as a Muslim is worrying. This is the day of judgement being
The Origin of ‘Arafah
The word ‘Arafah comes from the root word ع ر ف which means ‘to come to know’. Scholars said there are different interpretations of where
Maximizing Dhul Hijjah with Dhikr
Dhikr [remembrance of Allah] is one of the easiest acts we can do during the days of Dhul-Hijjah. It can be done when you’ve just
Three beautiful observations from the verse praising the Prophet (saws)
إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ وَمَلَـٰٓئِكَتَهُۥ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى ٱلنَّبِىِّ ۚ يَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ صَلُّوا۟ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلِّمُوا۟ تَسْلِيمًا “Indeed, Allah showers His blessings upon the Prophet, and His angels
Know that Hell is Allah’s justice.
Know that Hell is Allah’s justice. And he is the most Just. إِنَّاۤ أَعۡتَدۡنَا لِلظَّـٰلِمِینَ نَارًا أَحَاطَ بِهِمۡ سُرَادِقُهَاۚ وَإِن یَسۡتَغِیثُوا۟ یُغَاثُوا۟ بِمَاۤءࣲ كَٱلۡمُهۡلِ یَشۡوِی
Istikharah and its variations
A quick note that Istikharah (the prayer of seeking guidance) can be done anywhere, at any time. There are three variations to consider: 1) Prayer
The Last Ten Nights
Ten for the last ten nights 1) Try and stay awake during the odd nights. If you can’t that’s fine as well. But try and
Preparing The Soul For Ramadan
Ramadan comes from the root word رمض which signifies something being intensely heated by the sun. The scholars therefore liken Ramadan to the opportunity of
Shaykh Saeed al-Kamali on the Wisdom of Silence
When Shaykh Saeed al-Kamali came to Birmingham last year, he brought up an interesting point about the hadith of Banu Quraydha. Many may have heard
Our Greatest Adversary
The Shaytan is man’s greatest enemy. His name comes from the Arabic root of شطن which means ‘to become distant’. In essence, it indicates rebellion
The Wisdom of Qisaas in Addressing Heinous Crimes
People who use acid to harm others await a severe punishment in the hereafter. To think someone attacked a mother and small children! Such depravity.
The Wing of a Mosquito
The Prophet (saws) said in a hadith: لَوْ كَانَتْ الدُّنْيَا تَعْدِلُ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ جَنَاحَ بَعُوضَةٍ مَا سَقَى كَافِرًا مِنْهَا شَرْبَةَ مَاءٍ ‘If the world were
Why are the UK bombing Yemen!?
Why are the UK bombing Yemen!? Because they decided to help resist an Israeli genocide by commandeering trade vessels? Yemen is one of the poorest
Missing the Obligatory Prayers
Praying the 5 prayers is a Fard al-‘ayn (an individual obligation) which is established in the Qur’an and Sunnah explicitly. Allah says in numerous places,
Thanking Allah during difficult times
Whenever we face a difficulty, our tradition points us towards patience. However, Ibn Qudaamah (ra) mentions how in certain cases, we can even show gratitude
Why Piers Morgan Isn’t the Ally You Think He Is
Anyone who thinks Piers Morgan is bringing on Pro-Pal guests as a cover to let the other side speak because he can’t, is unfortunately very
Upholding Integrity in the Face of Injustice
It’s reported that the Charity Commission (CC) is now examining mosques for hosting pro-hate preachers. A few things to mention: 1) The consortia who put
The Four Groups of People in Palestine
I believe there are four types of people in relation to this current disaster in Palestine: 1) Those who are staunch supporters of Israel’s actions,
Seven points to reflect on regarding Palestine
Seven points to reflect on regarding Palestine: 1) Palestine is not the aggressor: From 1948 onwards, five hundred and thirty one villages were ethnically cleansed,
Allah gives respite, but he never forgets
A great sense of dread for our brothers and sisters in Palestine. May Allah protect them and grant them mental and physical resolve. May he
Justice Through Resistance
A group of people break down the door of your house in the night. They take all of your belongings, assault you and the family
Reserve Judgment, Seek Full Truth
There are always two sides to a story. Always. The amount of times I have been told a story, whether it is a marital issue,
Six Ways to Find Faith Amidst the Hustle
As we get busier at work or other commitments, it’s easy for the days to fly by. This unfortunately has an impact on our faith.
Eight States Pass by All People
This life is but a switching of states. The poet mentions: ثمانية تجري على الناس كلهم و لابد للإنسان أن يلقى الثمانية سرور وحزن واجتماع
Beyond Rigid Interpretations in Islam
I recently came across a new Muslim having the strictest interpretations of everything imposed on them. Everything from dress, how to deal with children, travelling
Our Differences Are by Design
It’s interesting that in the creation of Adam (as), there’s an important lesson to do with relationships. We will meet many types of people. Some
Open-mindedness in Religion
I am a firm believer that as Muslims we should be open-minded to an extent in our understanding of the religion. Of course, within reason.
Overcoming Modern Behavioral Addictions
I was speaking to someone recently who spends hours scrolling Instagram. Daily. Apart from smoking, drugs and alcohol, we now have a number of behavioural
The Importance of a Strong Mindset
One important element of facing tests in life is mindset. Allah (swt) makes people go through tests for a number of reasons – as a
The Benefits of Trials and Tribulations
In a discussion, it was asked that when was the last time that we beseeched and really called upon Allah SWT for a need that
The Total Control of Allah
Allah (swt) is in control of EVERYTHING. – When a child is ill, He is the only one who cures. – When you receive your
Istikharah (Part two)
A quick note that Istikharah (prayer of seeking guidance) can be done anywhere, at any time. There are three variations to consider: 1) Prayer and
Asking the Creator vs Asking the Creation
Look at the difference between the Creator and Creation. Allah (swt) becomes angry when he is not asked. Whilst man becomes annoyed when he’s constantly
Efficiency and Effectiveness: The Muslim Way
I’ve been reading and writing on Linked in recently. Primarily for things related to my software company. One thing on that network though is the
Disaster Recovery and Resilience
My son had a school picture the next day, but really, really needed a haircut✂️ By time I get home, the barbers nearby had shut.
Mundane Mornings, Meaningful Rewards
Anyone with kids knows that mornings are spent making breakfast and taking them to and from school. With younger children, you’re literally feeding them spoon
The Last Ten Nights
Ten for the last ten nights 1) Try and stay awake during the odd nights. If you can’t that’s fine as well. But try and
The Meaning of Masculinity
I’m not totally against brothers listening to motivational videos on masculinity. Of course, you have to avoid extremism, unnecessary swearing and content which demeans women.
Ramadan and the Heart
For many, Ramadan will start tomorrow and I just wanted to highlight an important part of this blessed month. There are a number of objectives,
A Lesson in Selfless Kindness
I was at Cairo airport recently at the check-in desk queue on a work trip to Yemen. I had been there for at least fifty
Lessons from the Creation of Adam
It’s interesting that in the creation of Adam (as), there’s an important lesson to do with relationships. We will meet many types of people. Some
The Earthquakes in Turkey and Syria
Extremely sad news of this large earthquake this morning. May Allah make things easy for the people of Turkey and Syria and reward the Shuhadaah.
Rajab: The Time for Righteousness
I received a reminder last night from a brother that we have officially entered into the month of Rajab. Rajab is one of the sacred
Parental Presence and Connection
I was in a cafe earlier waiting for my daughter’s exam to finish and was sat next to two different sets of dads who had
Zakariya (AS): Faith and Blessings
Many of us learn key lessons when things happen to us in life. But many a time, Allah will teach us through things which happen
Social Media Envy
A great trial online now with the explosion of social media is undoubtedly envy. Anyone can succumb to it. This person is richer, she is
Faith Amid Illness
As we enter flu season, it’s a reminder that we’re not really in control. Despite that, the believer always maintains a good opinion and adab
Responsible Financial Stewardship for Charities
An important principle I’m realising whilst working in the charity sector is: “Spending more in a calculated way to preserve the trust (amanah) is more
A Brief Guide to Visioning
One of the most important things I did back in 2016 was to conduct a personal ‘visioning’ session whilst abroad for work. In other words,
The Death of Sh. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi
Very sad to hear about the passing of Shaykh Yusuf al-Qaradawi. إنّا لله وإنّا إليهِ رَاجعُون اللهم ارحمه رحمة واسعة و اشمله بعفوك A giant
Those That Embody the Qur’an
It’s interesting that if you look at the contemporary, learned scholars of Qur’an, you will find they all have a similar presence. Shaykh Ma’serawi, Shaykh
The Eight States of Life
This life is but just a switching of states. The poet/scholar mentions; ثمانية تجري على الناس كلهم و لابد للإنسان أن يلقى الثمانية سرور وحزن
Moving Forward in Jum’ah
A quick point for worshippers in advance of Jum’ah tomorrow. When the khutbah is finished and people stand to pray, if you see a gap
Spirituality Amidst Your Nine to Five
Can you be spiritually present from 9am-5pm? It’s a known fact that for many of us, working the nine-five can sometimes be spiritually challenging between
The Death of Sh. Muhammad Al-Shareef
Really sad to hear about Sh. Muhammad Al-Shareef. Some people leave such a legacy that those around them feel indebted to them. May Allah grant
Vast Universe, Humble Worship
SubhanAllah, breath-taking images from the James Webb telescope of our universe as it was 13.5 billion years ago! We cannot fathom the vastness of the
Empowering Change: Twelve Steps
Below is a twelve-step guide to practical problem solving for NGO’s by Paul Polak (author of Out of Poverty). A social entrepreneur with over twenty
Duty Beyond Borders
A friend who has now passed away told me a story which makes you reflect on the concept of brotherhood and repelling oppression. He said
Fasting, Faith, and Fellowship
As British Muslims, we face a number of challenges but I have to say this Ramadan brings about our true colours maashAllah. Five (positive) observations
The Last Ten Nights (2022)
As we enter the first odd night tonight, below is an edited post from a few years back on three quick tips. The last ten
Embers of Redemption
It’s been a while and manic the last six months with work and other things, but with the announcement of Ramadan there’s a nice feeling
Observations on the rank of the Prophet (saws) by Imam al-Sakhawi
Three beautiful observations on the rank of the Prophet (saws) by Imam al-Sakhawi on the verse: إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ وَمَلَـٰٓئِكَتَهُۥ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى ٱلنَّبِىِّ ۚ يَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ
Istikharah (Part One)
We’re generally taught to pray Istikhara (prayer of guidance) for important choices such as job change, who to marry etc. But I’ve noticed we actually
Conceptually, to pray two rak’ah tahajjud on a daily basis is better than to pray ten rak’ah once a week. This is based on the
In most cases, we know that we should strive to balance equally between the two. Especially in light of Laylatul-Qadr, the Prophet (saws) beautifully incorporated
The Last Ten Nights (2021)
As we enter the last ten nights of Ramadan, I just want to share a small point regarding the most important organ in our body
Many of us will have heard this quote, but it always gives a lot of hope. Ibrahim ibn adham (ra) said; لَوْ عَلِمَ الْمُلُوكُ وَأَبْنَاءُ
One common trait you find amongst many successful people, both islamically and in a dunyawi sense, is persistence. You see in some of these motivational
Two Sides to a Story
There are always two sides to a story. Always. The amount of times I have been told a story, whether it is a marital issue,
According to scholars, the designation of a charity is that of an *agent* and hence is bound by a number of values, most notably Amanah
The current financial situation for many people is in the air. Those in a job may not feel the pressure, but the reality is that
Allah Protects His Religion
With everything going on, it’s always important to remember that it is Allah who protects this religion and it’s people. The Prophets (as) and the
Islamic Positions Guidance
A potential need within the Muslim charity sector is simple, pragmatic and accessible guidance on a variety of Islamic positions. In other words, a ‘Fiqh
There are many manners of social interaction (ādāb) which one learns from books and there are others which are learnt directly from teachers or elders.
Sometimes I wonder if it is a given that teachers/Imams who stand on the minbar and give talks or classes will receive a greater reward
There are two types of trial we can all face when approaching the religion according to Ibn al-Qayyim (ra); 1) Doubts and confusion (Shubuhāt) 2)
Allah (SWT)
I was reflecting on one of Shaykh Kishk’s (ra) sayings when he said; ‘How do I ask you O Allah, and I am I? I
Charity Sector
I remember many years ago I was seriously considering leaving the charity sector. We all heard many stories whether it was lack of transparency, incompetency
Weed or cannabis is still a big problem amongst the Muslim youth. I have seen brothers with beards even smoking it which is a shock.
Final Moments of Ramadan
As we enter the final moments of Ramadan, a reminder to myself first and foremost to pray that Allah *accepts* our deeds. Ibn Rajab (ra)
Bunnān al-Hammāl (RA)
Bunnān al-Hammāl (ra) was a great ascetic, scholar and worshipper and is notably known for being imprisoned with a lion! He was especially recognised for
Others v Oppressors
Wanting guidance for others vs oppression When you look at the many places where severe oppression is happening, it is clear our only refuge is
Early Days of COVID
Many of us are receiving messages of uncertainty from our loved ones regarding the coronavirus. This is totally understandable as something of this magnitude has
Doubts in Faith
The issue of some Muslims having extreme doubts in faith is becoming more concerning as time goes by. Once at a student conference, 2/3 people
I remember our teacher once said; “A man may have knowledge of many of the books of tazkiyah (purification of the heart) and be proficient
Pleasing Allah (SWT)
There is no doubt that every Muslim’s ultimate goal is to please Allah (swt). However, a subsequent ‘goal’ is that we all want to enter
Verse of the Quran
A verse which stops me in my tracks every time I come across it is when Allah (swt) reminds us of our weakness and our
Negative Assumption
BD/ 1 – Having a negative assumption of someone without just cause So to kick off the bad deeds, the first is the prohibition of
Initiating Salam to Children
GD/2 – Initiating the salām when passing by children So clearly this writing every week isn’t working out how I thought ! Not giving up
Teaching your child Surat’l-Fātiḥa
GD/1 – Teaching your child Surat’l-Fātiḥa I start with this particular deed because there is a major hack here that I wish I realised before
Correct Technique
A really important point I have realised recently is the value of ‘correct’ technique. Good technique is not talked about a lot, but is key
Divine Assistance through the Vulnerable
The Prophet (Saws) mentioned in a ḥadīth; “ابْغُونِي ضُعَفَاءَكُمْ فَإِنَّمَا تُرْزَقُونَ وَتُنْصَرُونَ بِضُعَفَائِكُمْ” “Seek out the vulnerable among you. Indeed, you are only given provision
I hope I am wrong, but it feels these days that many people are going through a variety of struggles and tests in their lives.
Distress and Relief
The greater the distress, the closer the relief Shaykh Abdul Fattāḥ Abu Ghudda (ra) writes in his commentary of Risālat’l-Mustarshidīn; “Do not think that grief
The Universe
I remember watching a documentary a few years ago reporting that some scientists estimated that the observable universe is approximately *80-90 billion* light years wide.
The Shari’ah
The Shari’ah is the manifestation of the laws of Allah set on earth – these are not just mere legal laws, but encompass rituals, manners,