Six points regarding the UK riots

Six points regarding the UK riots
1) Understand the intent of the Far-Right
The intent of these people is two. One is to get a reaction from you in order to justify their mayhem. The second is to make you fearful and scared.
When you know this, then the intelligent response is to avoid reacting to them where absolutely possible.

النار تأكل نفسها ان لم تجد ما تأكله

‘The fire burns itself, if it doesn’t find [wood] to burn’
2) Don’t share what you receive immediately 
There are loads of WhatsApp messages claiming someone has been stabbed or there’s an acid attack. Many are true, but we’ve seen recently many are not true.
A brother sent an important voice message to check any news you hear about your area. Ask the person to confirm.
SubhanAllah, our religion is based on chains of narration. Confirm any major news with the person directly – where did you hear it from? Is it a reputable source? Can it be verified? If no to any of the above, then don’t share it as its most likely scaremongering.
3) Try to keep normality, but maintain caution
They want you to be scared to leave the house. Continue as normal but take extra precaution and assess the situation in your neighbourhood.
Travel by car instead of walking. Go with a friend, instead of by yourself. Simple things, but just keep an extra eye out until this subsides inshAllah.
The believer takes the means and is not oblivious. The Prophet (Saws) said: ‘Tie your camel and then put your trust in Allah’ (Al-Tirmidhi).
4) Go to pray, not to fight
We should still attend our mosques. Even more so now. Primarily for the worship of Allah, but also to ensure our places of worship are not left unattended.
If people turn up, use it as a form of da’wah. De-escalate where possible. But of course, in extreme circumstances, you have every right to defend what is required from the places of worship or innocent people. We’re not ‘turn the other cheek’ type of people when it’s absolutely needed.
Saying that, that’s not needed as the Police are generally around. We also don’t need to congregate at other places e.g. town centre, halls etc where we know they will be. Let the Police deal with it.
5) Exhibit the best of character
This is key for those on the fence of the non-Muslim community. Immigration worries everyone whether they verbalise it or not.
But, if we show discipline and decorum, then it will work in our favour. It will make the Far-right look like hooligans and us as stand-up citizens.
This is a war of perception more than physical.
6) Let the Police do their job
The police service have been coordinating to protect the places of worship and civilians. Let’s not be silly and use it to flare tensions with them. We should thank the police and work with them to keep things calm.
Let them do their job and slowly arrest people one by one until the Far Right have no one else. This could be a cleansing exercise to get rid of the leaders of these people – Allah knows best.